Quarantine & Swapping

Dear Berliners, 

For several weeks now we have been sitting around the house. Plans are cancelled, meeting friends is no longer possible and our beloved swap is on hold until further notice. 

With that said, we are trying to make the best of the situation, we have put together a list of tips on how to spend to your time in quarantine.

Put on some good music, make some tea, or wine (who are we to judge), get your roommate(s) and do some house cleaning. De-clutter your life while moving and shaking to classic tunes.

But there is no swap? 

Yes, you are right, but cleaning out the closet is a great way to go through everything you own, try it all on and minimize what you need. Here is what you can do with the donated items:

  • You can keep them until the next swap and put them (washed!) in the basement

  • You can organize a mini-swap with your roommates

  • You can try your hand at upcycling and sewing; here a little inspiration.

  • You can help people in need. Especially for homeless individuals and low-income families. There are many "gift fences" all over Berlin. Here you can donate food, clothing and hygienic items to impoverished people. An overview of the places of the gift fences can be found here.

Maybe the beginning of spring motivates you to try your hand at plant breeding. It's quite easy. Instructions can be found here.

In the future we are also thinking about swapping plants in our swaps, so get going!



Now is a great time to find the culinary genius in you. Try making something completely from scratch and enjoy the delicious benefits. You can even use the fruits and vegetables you grow ;)

To find some great recipes check out this page.

Until then, we wish you a wonderful time, stay healthy and see you <3



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